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the end of 2012,a new chapter of 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | 9:40 AM | 0 Words

Assalamualaikum semua! hahaha..sorry la lambat sangat update blog..and I hope that I'm not too late to wish happy new year..(even it's almost in the middle of January) so papepun..goodbye 2012 and HELLO 2013! Banyak sangat benda yang aku da lalui masa 2012...Like...

  • Final sem as foundation student..

Walaupun kitorang satu batch baru kenal setahun..tapi gaya kitorang interact with each other macam da kenal 10 tahun! (hiperbola sangat~hahaha) like seriously...bonding kitorang memang agak kuat..sampai la kitorang masuk degree ni..kalau kita pergi mana2..terjumpa ex asper..ha hamek kau! riuh sekampung! kau rapat ke tak rapat ke..memang boleh jadi kecoh kat tengah2 jalan tu ha..hahaha...alhamdulillah..sepanjang aku jadi student asasi..aku banyak kenal dengan orang yang the sangat la baik,peramah,helpful and so on..(maaf..nak listkan terlalu banyak~hahaha) aku rasa bersyukur sangat2 sebab dapat kenal and berkawan dengan diorang..diorang banyak tolong aku..dalam akademik and even in life gak..aku tak tahu macam mana nak balas budi kat diorang..(aku tahu aku banyak hutang budi kat korang.. >.<) Papepun thank you to all my friends! Sayang korang sangat2!

  • Part Time Job at Slash Perfumeries and Cosmetics
Setahun jadi student asasi sains pertanian,4 bulan cuti kalau duduk rumah memang boleh jadi penternak lemak yang berjaya aku kerja la dekat kedai minyak wangi..(nama kedai tu kat atas tu ha)..selama 3 bulan (plus minus) aku kerja dekat situ..banyak jugak aku belajar like macam mana nak tahu perfume tu ori ke tak, orang jenis macam itu ini suka perfume macam mana, cara nak promote barang..(sangat banyak..tak larat nak listkan..hahaha!) sepanjang aku bekerja ni...I made friends with the staff..bukan setakat staf dekat kedai tu je..even staff dekat dalam JJ tu gak..huhuhu..a bit culture shock bila kerja dekat situ..tapi yang paling best sekali bila kerja dekat situ is that you gained new knowledge and experience..and of friends! ^__^
  • 1st Semester as a degree student
Like I've post before..aku dapat course Bachelor Sains Kimia Petroleum..which is sangat terlalu amat jauh dari bidang yang aku minat..(ramai jugak budak2 batch aku dapat benda yang diorang tak mintak) So, 1 sem aku belajar mainly chemistry ni..macam nak nazak jugak la...(hiperbola again~) hahaha..dalam susah2 belajar ni..alhamdulillah..there're still people who always there for me..ada budak2 batch aku masa asasi (especially my ex roommates and classmates) bagi support kat bestfriends pun banyak bagi motivasi dekat aku..I've made friend with a matriculation student which is now she is like my closest friend  in that faculty..seriously I can't imagine how I'll survive as a chemistry student without her..(sorry kalau aku banyak menyusahkan kau kawan..gominasai~ >.<)

Yup..that's what happen to me during 2012..and that's not all yang aku cerita actually..hahaha..just the main je..hehehe..tak semua jugak cerita aku masa 2012 ni happy2 is not all about the ups must have the downs jugak~(grammar betul ke?suka suki aku je..hahaha!) but hey..if there's an obstacle trying to take you down..just keep your head held high up..simple kan?

Before aku nak mengundur diri..I just wanna say...
to those who had made my year 2012 become an awesome year..THANK YOU so much! you guys are the greatest! Love you all damn much!
Once again, my heart is broken
Saturday, December 22, 2012 | 7:23 PM | 0 Words

My heart was empty before this; free from this love thing..I was happy with my own life, having fun with my friends and keep on carry on with my difficult course that I'm taking right now. Until YOU came into my life. We start as acquaintance, knowing each other from orientation week. I don't have feelings towards you back then since we're from different courses and it's hard to see each other. One day, I realise that we're in the same TITAS class. We become a bit closer than before but still I try not to have feelings towards you. We're just friends and classmates, not more than that. And then, miracles start to happen when you start frequently text me till late at night. I told myself it was nothing and it's normal to text a friend that is opposite gender till late at night. Not long after that, you start making jokes about having a relationship with me. Yes, I want to laugh out loud about it. It's impossible a good looking guy to have a relationship with me. But then, one day you said that he was serious about it. I was really dumbfounded about it, don't know what to do. I said no at first, because I know you're still with your girlfriend. I'm not the kind of a girl who likes to steal someone's boyfriend and I'm not the kind of a girl who fight over a guy. On 30th October 2012, you start your move by asking me for my sweater and to see you at PFC. There, you told me that you broke up with your girlfriend for like a few days ago. You tried to convince me by showing your text and tried to win my heart by some flirty jokes, and yes, you almost win it. At night, you tried it again until at 31st October 2012 on 2.32 a.m. we've declared as couples. We made promises that we'll stay together like forever, never hurt each other..and the most convincing thing that you said to me till I was like you're the one for me is that one day, you said that you want to get engage with me and get marry after we finish our degree. STUPID! I was really stupid on that time..I'm so stupid to believe everything you said. Everything went smooth after we declared, and day by day, my love towards you grows until I feels like there's nobody can replace you. I really love you just the way you are, and I don't mind who are you and where you come from. However my dear, you have to know that fairy tales are always be fairy tales. When mid semester break had finally come, you started to break my heart when you said that you still love your ex girlfriend. Deep inside me, I was crushing, falling, dying...I wanted to cry but I keep it inside me, and I don't want to get caught by my family about it. So I keep my head held high and just fake a smile but the truth is I was holding my tears to fall. Before the mid semester break had finally come to an end, you said that we're still in a relationship and you won't go back to your ex. You said that you really miss me and love me. Yes, and again, I WAS STUPID TO BELIEVE YOU. Everything went back to normal till it's our 1st month of couple. I bought a couple ring for the special day and do you know why I was really eager to buy the ring? Because I want that ring to be a symbol that I love you, till the day that I won't be living in this world. It sounded stupid, but seriously, if I really love someone, I'll stay with them no matter what. Not long after that, you started to act strange. Keep avoiding me, didn't text me and when I called you, you seem to be not interested to talk to me. On 10/12/12, you finally decided to break up. Don't you feel how hurt I am on that time? You made a promise, and you broke it. You give me hope, and now that hope is only a dream. Your reason is just that you can't focus on study...such a BULLSHIT reason..and the worst part is that you said that you still love your ex...I'm such an IDIOT..A FOOL.. to believe every single words that you said believe you that you love me..

now we're just friends..even though, I can't face you..I can't look at you, even just a glance..I f I look at you, my tears might fall again..
If you read this, I just want you to know..that I still love you..thank you, for giving me a chance to know you.
From foundation student to Degree student
Sunday, December 16, 2012 | 2:33 AM | 3 Words
Assalamualaikum semua! Moshi2! Lama da aku tak update pape kat dalam blog ni kan? Fuh! Da bersawang2 da aku tengok blog aku ni...So aku da buat a little make over kat dalam blog aku..huhu..Lawa kan? Semua biru!!!!! My favourite colour actually.. ^_^

Da lama kot tak its a lil bit awkward..hmmm nak cerita apa ek? Oh ye tak ye gak! Lupa nak bagitau kat korang...sekarang ni aku da masuk Degree! (ceh..nak habis 1 sem baru nak bagiHahaha..tapi tak happy sangat pun..sebab aku dapat course yang aku tak apply langsung a bit down I guess..Sebelum ni aku apply Sains Ternakan, Vet, Sains Taman Rekreasi, Perhutanan & Biotek..(ikut urutan 1st-5th choice) tapi apa yang aku dapat? BACELOR SAINS KIMIA PETROLEUM...WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Lari jauh dari choice aku...da la choice aku semua base biology..tapi aku dapat chemistry pulak! and to make things worst..aku kene belajar lagi PHYSICS! MATI AKU! T-T
Pape pun..aku harap aku dapat carry on dengan course aku ni even aku da banyak kali pikir nak tukar course..Bak kata abah, try dulu 1st year ni..(kalau try tak boleh gak..tak ke ke gaung result untuk 1st year aku..=.=)

Mini Hiatus
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | 11:17 AM | 0 Words
Hai semua...long time no see...hahaha...Maaf la..busy sangat sampai takde masa nak update blog ni..huhu...Da berhabuk da aku tengok blog ni..*sapu sawang2 kat blog ni*

Anyway, aku baru je habis I've got like another 3months plus2 stay tune what I'm going to update on this blog...
Sorry sorry~ :)
Friday, January 6, 2012 | 8:09 AM | 0 Words
Hai semua! Da lme gile ak xupdate blog kn? MAAF2! bz n line kat UPM sgt lembab skrg..almaklumla..dlu time sem 1..dak asper je yg ad..skrg..cmpur skali ngan dak degree..trus line jd lembab..rmai gle kot yg skrg..xde pape sgt nk dicerita..but right now..ak skrg bru nk bukak blog baru..(again? ==) khas utk cerita yg akn ak wat nnti..something that has inspire me to create a story..huhu..papepon..keep on following my blogs! insyaallah..i write a great story! (^^) peace yall! (^_')
Raya Raya Raya!
Thursday, September 1, 2011 | 10:27 PM | 0 Words
Assalamualaikum! hai semua! ha..mentang2 la raya kn..semua nak wat entry post sal raya.. ==* bosan la bai..hahaha...1st of all aku xmo cite sal ape aku wat time raya..raya aku lps habis final sem 1 ni ok...T_T sgt la sedey ble after raya ni ad final exam..mmg gle gempak la woi! The sangat la dasyat kepala otak tengkorak aku nak perah otak aku untuk stadi..(ceit..macam aku stadi...alahai kirana woi...ble ko nk brubah! kate nk jd vet! tp bljr cam xbelajar.. X____X)

Anyway, cakap pasal raya ni kan...ada banyak la perbezaan raya zaman sekarang dengan raya zaman aku mase kecik dulu..

lw time aku kecik2 dulu..camni la suasana ble nk dkt time raya ngan time raya:

  1. Lepas bukak puasa, mula la peperangan antre kmpung seblah ngan kmpg ktorg..padahal kat masjid ngah takbir raya..ktorg plak dok men mercun...xmen la mercun naga,gasing ngan mercun mercun rocket ngan bunga api KLCC 2 ha! even men mcm2 mercun..still ktorg xdibenarkan men meriam buluh...bak kata nenek ak..nnti putus jari..huhu
  2. Si ibu2 sedang sibuk masak rendang ayam,rendang daging ngan kuah kacang..(menu utama stiap kali raya..huhu)..yg mne da siap tolong msk,g iron bju raya..yg budak2 plak g men kejar2 kat luar rumah..yg si ayh mercun ngan ank2..huhu..(kat kpg ak mmg xbakar lemang n wat dodol..huhu..)
  3. Pagi raya plak..bgn awl gle..pas siap2, yg laki smue g masjid smyg raya..yg pmpuan plak g dok kat dapur nk siap2 kn mknn...pas hbes smyg raya..ap lg..hulur tgn minx maaf di pagi raya laa..huhu..(ish..sah2 korg igt hulur tgn nk duit raya..huhu..)
  4. Pas mkn pg..g braye kat rmh mkcik2 ngan pkcik2 ak..pas2 g jln raya kat jiran kmpg ak..time2 cmni bnyk gle bdak2 nek basikal xpon jln kaki nk g braye kat rmh org...(kutip duit raya la mak ak xpnh bg ak jln braye cm 2..huhu..)
  5. Lps hbes braye rmh org, ap lg..dok tbongkang kat lam rumah..haha..kepenatan la ktkn..huhu..spe yg xtdo 2 nsib la..kne mlayan bdk2 yg dtg braye..hehe
  6. Bdak2 yg dtg braye kat rmh smue cm tsipu2 tnye spatah,dy jwb spatah..haha..lwk kdg2 ak tgk...ngan ak pon nk malu..pdhal umur xde bze sgt ngan ak..(ceit..ckp cm ak xmalu je ngan dorg..pdahal nk dok dpn dorg pon malu...kui3~)
  7. Time malam2 plak mcm bse la..slagi stok mercun ngan bunga api xhbes...slagi 2 la ktorg xkn bhnti main..huhu.. 2 la suasana raya time ak kcik2 dlu..mmg best la lw igt skrg..ak xmrase da smue 2...bkn sbb ak da bsr..sbb skrg ni zmn iT la skrg suasana raya ak cmni plak:

  1. Lepas bukak puasa,dok sibuk on9 Fb,twitter,blog ngan sespesies ngan gak bdak2 yg men xde la bnyk sgt mcm dlu..
  2. Menu utk raya pon satu dua je..lw dlu..ngan rendang daging,rendang ayam,kuah kacang,soto,lontong..mcm2 skrg just bnde basic je..kuah kcg ngan rendang aym/daging..==
  3. Pagi raya..pas smyg raya,bslm2..pas2 mkn jap..then xde wat pape..bosan2..on9 ag..
  4. lw dlu ramai gle bdk2 kat luar nk bjln rye kat rmh org..skrg ni ssh gak nk pon sorg dua tiga cm 2..lw dulu..mcm rombongan pengantin je mai rye kat rmh org..
  5. kdg2 mls nk jln rye..dok je kat rmh...ap lg..fb la jd peneman stia..==
  6. igtkn kat fb xde org on9..skali tgk..mau nk dkt 40 org frens ak on9..yeah..brye kat fb..
  7. Mlm mercun..(mercun la sgt..mercun kat lam fb...bunga api pon lam fb je...==)
U see? ad bnykkn perbezaan antara rye dlu n rye skrg..huhu..sejak ad fb..smue rye kat fb..almaklumla..sng nk cntct n free..
my new ohana!
Sunday, August 28, 2011 | 12:23 AM | 1 Words
assalamualaikum!hai korg! ha...da lme plak ak xupdate blog ni sjak msk UPM..doe..sumpah xtw nk update ap n ak gle bz ar kat sne...smpt fb je...lw blogging ni...haprak la idea xkluar2 skrg ni ak nk cte sal "family" aku kat UPM..huhu..tdiri dr dak2 kelas aku...dr nenek moyang smpai la cicit..(aku!hehehe) so..jeng3!

Fatin Najihah a.k.a Najie
status dalam family:nenek moyang~

Ha nenek moyang aku..huhu..comel kn??huhu..pd asl nye...pling last pon pgkat cucu tbe2 ak dpt tw ak ni pgkat cicit kire nenek kpd umi aku la...(lek2 dulu..nnti aku introduce umi aku...kte introduce dlu para2 moyang aku..hehehe)
Yang pakai tudung biru 2..
Atikah Razmi a.k.a tikah
status dalam family: nenek moyang sedare,kakak kepada nenek moyang aku~

Seriously ni pon aku baru dpt tw yang tikah 2 status kakak nenek moyang aku 2 ha...tkjot berok aku..mne xnye...mcm dpt agk family ktorg mkin besar je..huhuhu

Faizul Mohammad a.k.a Faizul
status dalam family:abang ipar nenek moyang aku,atok moyang sdare aku~

hehehe..toksah ckp bnyk la lw da abg ipar 2 ha...hehehe...atok sdare moyang aku ni ha skrg kat UNIKL...amek kos engineering...bkl fly ke russia...untung nye nenek moyang sdare aku 2...hehehehe..
Yang pakai tudung merah..Nazura Atikah a.k.a Nazura/zura
status dalam family:nenek moyang sdare aku,adik beradik nenek moyang aku..

Yang ni..nenek moyang sdare aku yg ssh nk trime hakikat yang dy 2 da jd nenek ak xwujud ag..dy pon xley trime hakikat yg dy 2 da pgkat nenek...hehehehe..

Nor Meirysha a.k.a Meiry
status dalam family: nenek,anak nenek moyang aku~
haha..tkjot kn ble dpt pgkat nenek?hehehe...rommate aku...and a mother of five..(including umi aku!)hehehe

Shahmir Azim a.k.a Shahmir
status dalam family:atok,suami nenek,menantu nenek moyang aku~
yup,ni la atok ak..hehehe..stylo kn?sme ngan nenek aku...hehehe..seriously mereka amat la comel...hehehehe..
Mohammad Nor Aiman a.k.a Aiman paku
status dalam family:atok sdare aku,anak nek nyang n tok nyang sdare aku,anak sdare nek nyang aku,sepupu nenek aku...hehehe pon jd unexpected family member gak...xsgke plak kakak nek nyang ak 2 ad atok sdare ak yg sempoi gle r...hehehe..(ish3..atok sdare ak ni...mkn je tw..hahahahaha)

Wan ayunurili a.k.a ayu
status dalam family:umi aku~anak nenek and cucu nek nyang..

Ha korg,ni la dy umi ak..comel kn??hehehe..dak bilik sebelah aku..adik kepada rommate2 aku yakni makcik2 aku..huhuhu..(sbnrnye xtw sape yg bongsu..huhu) and kembar kepada rommate dy baidakh..hehehe..
Nurul Hidayu a.k.a ayu~
status dalam family:maklong aku,anak nenek aku, cucu nek nyang aku..
ha,ni slh sorg mkcik aku..kat sni tdpdt 1 kekeliruan...which is dalam klgn mkcik2 aku 2...xtw sape yg sulung sape yg since mkcik ni ha kakak kpd umi ak...ak just assume dy maklong ak...hehehehe..o yeh..umi n aku slalu tnye ble la nk dpt ank sdare/kazen...hehehe..

Khobib Khaisamah a.k.a khobib
status dalam family:paklong aku,menantu nenek aku..
Dak kuliah empat yg bru je msk dlm family ni...(untung la maklong dpt org jauh~hehehehe)..bnde yg plg aku ske lw maklong n paklong dok sme2 ialah ble dorg tunjukkn gigi dorg...kih3!! (srupe doe..hahahaha)
Nur Shazmine a.k.a mine
status dalam family:makcik aku,anak nenek and cucu nek nyang..
the eldest lam bilik mcm ne ntah si ayu 2 dpt title xpe la...redha je laa..hehehe..
Norhafiza a.k.a fieza
status dalam family:makcik aku..(yang kembar),anak nenek n cucuk nek nyang~
Ha,makcik aku yg ni plak kembar tw...and dy ni kre lam kmbar 2 pgkat adk laa..mkcik aku ni grg..hehehe...ksian adk aku kdg2 kne ngan makcik aku yg ni..heheheh

Nur Syuhada a.k.a syu
status dalam family:makcik aku(kembar),anak nenek n cucu nek nyang..
ha,yg ni la kembar mkcik aku..huhu..kire kakak laa..huhu..makcik aku ni gle otai hbes ar..hehehe

Siti Al-Baidakh a.k.a baidakh
status dalam family:kembar umi aku~ ank(?) nenek n cucu nek nyang

Juga berada dlm list unexpected family..and mkcik ak sorg ni..pd mule nye xley trime hakikat yg dy 2 tmsk lam group family ni..hehehe...dy ckp tlalu ramai ahli2 family kte ni..hehehe..nk wat cmne...the more the merrier!hehehe

Rafiqi a.k.a i-qee
status dalam family: adik aku~ anak bongsu umi,cucu nenek n cicit nek nyang..

Ha korg!ni la dy satu2 nye adk ak!(sepatutnye dy ni pgkat xsesuai la jd adk..wlaupun ak ni lg mude dr dy..T-T ) pon dlm list unexpected family member..atok n mkcik2 ak ske gak kaco dy..hehehe..ksian dy...hahaha..mmg ptot la dy ni dpt tittle adk..tgk gmbr dy kat ats 2..comel kn??hahaha..peace!!

Zinneerah a.k.a nini
status dalam family:the nanny!
PON dlm list unexpected first xley trime hakikat da tmsk lam family ktorg as family..last2 nanny ktorg ni ley gak trime hakikatnye...hehehe...sabo ye nanny! hehehe..

Ahmad aiman a.k.a aiman topup
status dalam family: the butler!
baru je jd family ktorg as butler..butler ktorg ni the sgt la ske minx naik gaji..hahaha..n 1 more thing about this butler is that dy ni the sgt la pndai..jgn men2 k!bkn calang2 butler ni!hehehe..

Annisah a.k.a ate nisa
status dalam family: the maid!
PON baru gak msk lam family ktorg n dpt pgkat maid..huhu..maid ktorg ni diva tw!hehehe...the most glamorous maid la ktkn..hehehe

Nazrin shah a.k.a nazrin
status dalam family: the chef!
AGK baru dalam family ktorg..n baru je dpt pgkat chef..huhu...hei korg..jgn men2 tw ngan ini chef..sat g krg..kluar aksi2 diva 2 krg...pecah perut anda nnti..hehehehe..(wah2..maid n chef ktorg diva seyh...hahahaha!)

fuhhhhhhhh!pnt doe nk ltak gmbr2 dorg ni...ha..amcm?bsrkn kluarge ktorg? skrg ni nk tgk..sape ag makcik2 pakcik2 ak,nenek2 atok2 sdare ak,kazen ak n of course ipar aku!hehehe..

